“I did not arrive first because I ran with shoes”

Never Give Up at the 14th Intercompany Relay in Lusaka

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After the last goodbyes to Matteo at the border with Malawi, the organization of the Never Give Up transfer to the 14th Intercompany Relay in Lusaka. This race, organized by Zambian Athletic Association, consists of relay runs for teams representing companies, public entities, ministries, and an individual run of 11,5 km on road. It is the first time that Never Give Up athletes confront themselves with others runners outside both the NGU circuit and the school context, as a matter of fact many of our athletes take part to school provincial and regional championships but this event would have exposed them to a much bigger athletic and sport reality.

All the logistic organization seemed to be going perfectly, we found a minibus to take the athletes to Lusaka, the coaches were informed of the meeting point, coach Colombo lent us the running vests … maybe too perfect … as a matter of fact Saturday morning the phone rings around 6 and keeps ringing mad for the all following hour: Coach Ernest from Chanyanya cannot be found, the athletes from Kabwesa do not feel ready to take part in the race, to the champion Gillias was not confirmed the time and meeting point …  a nightmare! With a bit of improvisation and a ‘home pick up’ of the athletes, Gillias even though he was not informed was waiting for us on the road with a perfect Never Give Up outfit ‘I knew you were coming’ said with a sincerely happy smile and maybe also a bit relieved, we managed to collect everybody and reach Lusaka extremely late.

‘Athletes’ registration is closed’ says the officer, ‘ the run is about to start’. I could not believe it, the speaker announces a delay for technical problems, everybody runs to the departure changing in their running gear on the way, the organizers authorize us to take part regardless of the late registration and the fact that our athletes were not given any number.

At the departure the Never Give Up athletes cannot be missed, among the multitude of runners in very technical running gear you can see Gillias, John, Eugene, Insist, Miniva, Naomi, Esther and Faides with shabby vests and the majority barefooted, but with a special flame in the eyes, a unique determination and passion, which nobody else at departure had.

The arrival is at the main arena of Showground, after 11,5 km through Lusaka, Addis Ababa Drive,  Independence Avenue, Cairo Road, Kabwe Roundabout. The coach of the Zambian athletic national team waits for the arrival of the runners, first to arrive are the relay runners, then the first runner of the individual race followed by our champion Gillias, the coach looks at me surprised ‘Is this your athlete?’. Fourth is Insist Maunga from the Chanyanya team, sixth John Tembo from ZNS, seventh Eugene Chaambwa from Chipapa. The first woman arrives, it is Ruth Kapempe from Chipapa, overall 17th, followed by Naomi Kabwata from Chipapa, Miniva Kunda from Chanyanya, Esther Mweswa from Chipapa and Faides Mulyata from Chikupi. The Zambian Athletic Association covers me with questions: ‘Where are they from?’, ‘Where do they train?’, ‘Who is their coach?’ … They want to come see them in Kafue and evaluate their participation in a emerging new talents program.

Gillias is not very happy of his race, he says that he would have certainly arrived first if he had not worn shoes, as a matter of fact he ran with a pair of huge black shoes because the tar was too hot to be able to run barefooted as he usually does.